We have had three new arrivals in the last week at the Green T! First came Mary Ellen.
Mary Ellen was born on Sunday, the 24th, at 10:46am, right after the big snowstorm. She weighed 7lb 7oz, and was 19.5 inches long. She has lots of brown hair. Here are some pictures of her:
Mary Ellen was born on Sunday, the 24th, at 10:46am, right after the big snowstorm. She weighed 7lb 7oz, and was 19.5 inches long. She has lots of brown hair. Here are some pictures of her:
Then Pinky kidded. Finally. On Thursday morning, I thought her ligs were softer than usual, and when I noticed that I saw that her udder was HUGE! This huge:
And she had discharge.... It seemed like her udder had gone big overnight, because the last time I had given her a decent checkup was Saturday, and then we had Mary Ellen, and, well, we were really busy. It had been four days since I checked for signs of kidding, so it seemed she had gotten big really quickly. Early afternoon, Jane said she was restless and by herself in the barn. I went out to check her, and she had made herself a nest and settled down some. So that probably meant she was just past early labor, or else she was acting really weird. So Jane, James, and I headed to the barn and were there when she kidded, first a buckling, and then a doeling. I was surprised at how big they were for a small first freshener's babies. They were as big as Pecan (their sire) was at a day, and he was from an experienced doe. Here is a picture:
The doeling is on the left, and the buckling is on the right. Aren't they adorable? Pinky just loves them. At first we couldn't get the buckling to latch, but he finally did, after I was ready to give up and give him a bottle. Pinky wasn't much help, because she wanted both of them under her nose being licked. If Jane or I helped them nurse, well, she would back up until they were in front of her again. She kept backing herself against the wall. We finally put her in the stand to make her be still. We named them Songbreeze and Dwopple. Here are pictures of Dwopple, the buckling:
And Song, the doeling:
Next up we have Jenny, who was due to kid yesterday. She went early for her previous owners, but late for us last year. She looks really close, no ligs, keeping to herself, change in attitude, etc. Then is Honey, and I think she is due right after Jenny, but I didn't write down her last heat cycle, so she could kid in one week, or one month, depending on when she feels like it.
By Suzanne Tyler,
the Green T Goatherd
By Suzanne Tyler,
the Green T Goatherd